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You are welcome to join us at Arrow Park for swimming, rowing, games and lounging before the ceremony. But there's a lot to do in the surrounding area too. Here are a few of our suggestions. 

Storm King Art Center


Storm King is an open-air museum located in Mountainville, New York. It contains the largest collection of contemporary outdoor sculptures in the United States. We love it!



Dia pioneered the conversion of industrial buildings for the installation of contemporary art. The Dia Foundation's collection is housed in a former Nabisco printing plant, and it's stunning.

Renaissance Faire


Need we say more?

Bellvale Creamery


Located at the top of Mt. Peter, Bellvale Creamery is an off-shoot of Bellvale Farms, founded in 1819. There is delicious ice cream to be found here.

Woodbury Common


Orange County officials refer to the Woodbury Common outlets as the "county's cash cow" as the sales tax collected on the clothing and footwear provides a significant portion of the county's revenue. Worth a trip if you forgot to pack your outfit for the wedding.

Apple Picking


Apple season will be in full swing when we get married. There are many orchards in the area.



The nearby state parks -- Harriman, Bear Mountain, & Sterling Forest -- are threaded with hiking trails. Get into nature this weekend!

Ananda Ashram


Want a break from friends and family? Try yoga at Ananda Ashram -- just three miles from Arrow Park. Founded by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati in 1964. He also established the Yoga Society of San Francisco, Inc. (1972).

Brotherhood Winery


Visit America's oldest winery, est. 1839. Owned by the founding family until Prohibition, in 1921 it was purchased by the Farrell family who claim to have originated the concept of wine tourism.

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